Snails of the love
Hace unos días iba camino del colegio charlado con mi hija Candela. Ella iba cogiendo todos los caracoles que nos íbamos encontrando por el camino, ¡había muchos! Decía que tenía que rescatarlos y ponerlos en un sitio seguro para que la gente no los pisara.
A few days ago I was on my way to the school with my daughter Candela. She was catching all the snails that we were finding along the way, there were so many! She said that she had to rescue them and put them in a safe place so that people would not step onto them.
Cuando fui a recogerla al colegio seguía lloviendo, y Candela continuaba salvando caracoles cuando, de repente, me llamó gritando: “mamá, mamá, mira, ¡dos caracoles enamorados!” Nos quedamos un rato mirándolos bajo la lluvia, la verdad es que eran muy graciosos.
When I went to pick her up at the school, it was still raining, and Candela continued to save snails when she suddenly called me shouting: "Mom, Mom, look, two snails in love!" We stood looking at them in the rain, they were so funny.
Cuando conseguí que Candela se despidiera de ellos, iba feliz hacia casa pensando en sus caracoles enamorados, que no paraban de besarse. “Van a tener un bebé” me dijo. Y al llegar a casa hizo este bonito dibujo:
When I got Candela to say goodbye to them, she went home happily thinking about her loving snails, who do not stop kissing. "They going to have a baby," he told me. And when she got home she made this nice drawing:
P:D: Al día siguiente pasamos por el mismo sitio, ¡y los caracoles seguían allí juntos! Los bautizamos con el nombre de Romeo y Julieta.
PS: The next day we went through the same way, and the snails were still there! We baptized them with the names of Romeo and Juliet.