Family art day
Un domingo como otro cualquiera, estábamos en casa con mis hijas y, antes de que Candela dijera su clásico “me aburro”, se me ocurrió algo. En lugar de quedarnos en casa viendo una peli o jugando al iPad (algo que cada vez me gusta menos), decidí que nos íbamos a dar una vuelta.
One Sunday like any other, we were at home with my daughters and, before Candela said her classic "I'm bored," something occurred to me. Instead of staying at home watching a movie or playing with the iPad (something that I like less and less), I decided that we would go for a walk.
Sabía que durante los dos primeros fines de semana de octubre se organizan unas jornadas de puertas abiertas muy originales en Putney. Muchos artistas de la zona abren las puertas de sus casas y puedes ir a visitarlos, ver sus obras de arte y charlar con ellos.
I knew that during the first two weekends of October a very original Open House in Putney is organized. Many artists in the area open the doors of their houses and you can go visit them, see their works of art and chat with them.
We decided to go to Putney School of Art and Design, and there we visited art exhibitions, craft shops, and what we liked most: the workshops. Candela and her father participated in three very interesting creative workshops.
En el primer taller trabajaron con arcilla y con barro. Se mancharon un poco, ¡pero se lo pasaron en grande! De allí pasamos a un taller de pintura muy original donde pintaban unas placas de metal, luego hacías un dibujo o ponías trozos de papel, y luego lo pasaban por una prensa y el dibujo quedaba estampado. Para terminar, fuimos a un taller donde mis artistas dibujaron unos bonitos caballos.
In the first workshop they worked with clay and mud. They got a little stained, but they had a great time! From there we went to a very original painting workshop where they painted metal plates, then made a drawing or put pieces of paper, and then they went through a press and the drawing was stamped. Finally, we went to a workshop where my artists drew beautiful horses.
Terminamos la jornada comiendo un rico bizcocho en la cafetería de la escuela de arte que regenta una simpática española. Allí se venden varios tipos de dulces caseros, ¡todos deliciosos! Os lo recomiendo. Y después nos fuimos a casa dando un paseo, contentos, después de haber disfrutado de un día con mucho arte, ¡y sin iPad!
We ended the day eating a delicious cake in the cafe of the art school that it is run by a friendly Spanish woman. There are several types of homemade sweets to sell, yummy, yummy! I recommend it to you. And then we went back home taking a walk, happy, after having enjoyed a day with lots of art, and without any iPad!